Palaeopathology: Scope and Opportunities in India
Palaeopathology: Scope and Opportunities in India
Life on the earth is full of secrets. The origin of diseases in humans, body’s susceptibility to pathogens and initiation of diseases due to the environmental influence are few among those many secrets that remain unrevealed till date. Recent advancements in the technology have linked history with science by maneuvering successful use of scientific methods and tools in deciphering and understanding historical events. Thus, this connection paves an important means that can be utilized for studying molecular factors responsible for a disease or an epidemic that happened in the past.
The development of high-resolution microscopy, high throughput sequencing technology coupled with strong computational methods can be extremely helpful in revealing host-pathogen relationship that existed or began to nurture in the past. Palaeopathology is an interdisciplinary science which involves robust archaeological expertise along with high end medical and molecular proficiency. Palaeopathology is the study of past diseases, pathogens and host-pathogen relationship using archaeological samples.
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