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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format (.doc or .docx).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses). Figures can be embedded at appropriate place where they appear in the manuscript, but must also be uploaded separately.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Essential information

Ethical approval: Human and animal studies must have taken an approval as the case may be. All research on humans must follow Helsinki declaration guidelines as states on this webpage


All animal studies must be conducted in accrodance with the guidelines on animal ethics as deemed stuitable by the institute.

Informed consent policy: The authors must have obtained informed consent of the patients/volunteers for participation in studies condcuted on humans. In case of animal studies, ethical approval from the governing body of the institute must have been obtained. The review, meta-analysis and other secondary data analysis articles do not need an ethical approval or a consent. This information must be included in the methods section.

Plagiarism check

We encourage the authors to check their manuscripts for plagiarism. No content should be copied as such from any source and if the content is adapted, it should appropriately cite the original work. All articles should include a plagirism statement in the form 'The authors declare that the data/content presented in this article is original and has not been adapted from any other source without appropriate citation to the original work'. Before final publication, all articles are checked for plagiarism and the journal reserves the right to reject the articles at this stage or retract them after publication, if significant plagiarism is detected at any stage. 


Formatting of the manuscripts;

Title: A short, concise, informative tile that summarizes the main findins is must. 

Author names: Full names of authors as entered in the online submission system should be written after the title. Atleast one of the authors should be designated as the corresponding author. Use of official (institutional) e-mail ID of the corresponding author is encouraged. 

Abstract: Should be structured in the form of Aim, methods, results, and conclusion with a maximum limit of 350 words.

Keywords: Three to five keywords must be provided and separated by semincolon (;). 


The main article should be divided in the following sections;

Introduction: Should provide relevant background and state the objective of the study towards the end. 

Methods: Should provide in detail the methods used. This section must begin with the ethical statement and all include relevant details required to repliacate the study. Kindly choose and describe the methods with extreme care as flaws wih methods can lead to the rejection of the article. 


Results: Should provide in details all the observations with appropriate statistical methods. Less important observations could be moved to supplementary infomation (all in one file named as supplementary information). 

Discussion: Should summarize findings and their importance in the context of existing knowledge and draw approrpaite inferences stating future prospects.

Acknowledgements: Must acknowledge all the individuals who supported the study but are not listed as authors. The study must mention the name of the funding agency in this section. In case no extramural funding was received, kindly acknowledge your institution for supporting the study.

References: References must be cited (in text) by last name and year and listed (at the end of the article) alphabetically with a maximum of six author names, after which et al. should be used. The following style is to be adopted without variations.  

John AB, Siva DC, Gorge CH. Publication of polymorphism data for human populations is relevant to human health. Polymorphism. 2017;1:1-10. 

Figures: Submit figures as separate files JPG or  TIFF images with high resolution (350 dpi) and appropriate size. Figure legends should be included after references just above Tables. 

Tables: Tables should be embeeded in the article and be formatted to have cells with a separate header for each table. All tables should be listed  following the figure legends.

Author contributions: Kindly mention author contributions next to the acknowledgement section. It should read as AB conceived the idea; AB, BC, CD conducted experiments; BC, DF wrote the manuscript; all authors have read and approved the final version of the manuscript for submission. 

Submitting a revision

A minor revision is given 2 weeks time for re-submission while a major revision gets 4 weeks of time. If you need more time, kindly submit a request beforehand. Beyond this time limit, your manuscript may be considered as a new submission. For submitting revisions, log in to your author account, scroll down and locate 'revisions' section and use upload file link next to it. This is a simple way of uploading revision and you do not need to go through the whole submission process all over again. If you wish to submit another cover letter this time, you may do so using the links under next section labelled 'review discussions'.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. We do not use personal information for any other purpose than stated.