Publishing policies

Best publication practices

We follow fair content distrubution policy where any reader can download the articls without requiring to register. This ensures that there is no restriction on the access to the published content. 

We follow the best publication practices in conformance with guidelines and best practices published by professional organizations, including Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals [PDF] from ICMJE and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, WAME, and OASPA).

We follow the recommendations of PIE-J: The Presentation & Identification of E-Journals (NISO RP-16-2013), particularly in the areas of title presentation, accurate use of ISSN, and citation practices.


Research integrity

Without a trusted record of research, it’s impossible to replicate results, use research outcomes effectively, or build upon prior ideas, and in today’s era of “fake news” and public mistrust of science, maintaining the validity of the scholarly record is more important than ever.

Research integrity is our shared responsibility, which all authors, reviewers, and editors need to adopt and implement. Follow the link below to learn about the different types of behavior beyond “fabrication, falsification and plagiarism” (FFP) that undermine research integrity across the system, where these practices typically occur in the research lifecycle, and what you can do to combat them.? 

Research integrity-web of science


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