
Genetic, structural, functional, phenotypic, and morphological polymorphisms in the living organisms constitute an important aspect of their functional capabilities. Genetic investigations in human pathophysiological conditions and populations in general generate data critical to human health and personalized medicine. Some of the polymorphisms are endemic to a population or a disorder. A plethora of such data fails to make it to the scholarly domain because of the failure to find a significant association or lack of functional assays supporting the biological correlation, among others. Nevertheless, such genotype data can contribute in a big way to understanding disease biology and population genetics and pave the way to personalized medicine.

Similarly, genotyping or DNA fingerprinting in plants and animals identifies unique genotypes that find widespread practical applications in the field of plant/animal breeding, commerce and research and can provide solutions in the form of better healthcare, higher yield, pest resistance, improved therapeutic potential, better production, all culminating into better yield and wide applications in agriculture, livestock health and human healthcare.

The genotyping in microorganisms has always been interesting and meritorious with ever growing applications. Recent advancements in metagenomics have provided interesting data for microorganisms that can have tremendous applications in ecology, agriculture, biofuel production, environmental remediation, biotechnology and human health. Microbiota genotyping has expanded the dimensions of its applications, gut microbiota, in particular, in relation to human health.  

Polymorphism Journal aims to publish genetic, structural, functional, phenotypic, and morphological polymorphism data in the form of interesting case reports, case-control studies, population genetics, genetic, epigenetic, chromatin and other forms of DNA polymorphisms, microbiome genotyping, metagenomics, plant genotyping and breeding, animal genotyping, selection and breeding, DNA fingerprinting or markers identification in plants and microbes, and genetic diversity in animal, human, plant and microbe species.


If your study involves any of the following analyses, Polymorphism provides a suitable and cohesive platform for its publication in open access scholarly domain;

  • Single nucleotide polymorphisms in case-control studies or in a well characterized human population.
  • Case reports with interesting mutations showing correlation with the disorder.
  • Cytogenetic arrays, SNP multiplex arrays, expression arrays, whole genome SNP arrays.
  • Next generation targeted or whole genome sequencing in interesting cases or well characterized populations.
  • Genetic/epigenetic analysis looking for correlation with a particular disorder or environmental exposure or response to treatment.
  • Identification of polymorphic markers for prophylactic, diagnostic or therapeutic applications.
  • Next generation sequencing data including small RNA, mRNA, targeted, clinical exome or full exome sequencing.
  • Genetic characterization/DNA fingerprinting of plant or microbe species that provides unique markers for their identification/characterization.
  • Genetic markers for breeding, improvement or other applications in plant or animal species.
  • DNA based markers for microbial populations that are important for environment, agriculture, ecology or human health.
  • Metagenomics data for various ecological sites including human gut, oral or organ microbiome.


The articles must qualify the following three points;

  1. Data generated on human, animal, plant, microbe samples in relation to general characteristics or a pathophysiological condition. The decision to publish is not bound by finding a positive association. 
  2. Data must have been generated using state of the art and scientifically acceptable methods. Any flaw in the methods would preclude the review and lead to outright rejection. 
  3. The study must provide sufficient details of the study population, patient characteristics, species identification or microbe composition. 

For formatting of manuscripts, please read submission guidelines here.